Ephesians 3:20 "Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us"

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Where to Begin..

Okay so once again sorry for the delay between posts but we have had A LOT going on!

The last trimester of the pregnancy was really rough and pretty much per docs orders rendered me on a low activity level. So I was very busy just doing stuff around the house to keep us all sane and took a break from the blog! Thank you all for the emails though and concern about Caleb. I am back now and will update more regularly!

So where to begin..

Well Mr. Caleb started school and he is doing awesome. It was very hard for me the first day to drop him off but it was so exciting in the next breath. We were originally taking Caleb in daily in his stroller. However, the last couple days Bri or I walk him in holding his hand. Last Thursday, we were expecting him to be brought out to the car using his stroller but to our amazement he was walking out holding his teacher's hand. This is a huge step for Caleb as he usually only walks holding Brian's or my hand. So great to see him walking out with all his classmates. He is also saying some words in the classroom and interacting with his classmates. This is also a big step for Caleb as he usually has to take a while before talking around others. He did catch a cold his third day in which he brought home and shared with the whole family. I am sure this is the first of many bugs he will bring home and share with us, but I am happy to say that it is nice that we don't have to be so scared when he got sick. Of course there are still some bugs out there that we have to watch out for, i.e. chicken pox, but it is nice that not EVERY bug is so scary! Another awesome thing is his teacher gets so excited about the smallest things like we do so it is so great when we pick him up and she tells us all about his exciting developments and progress. He even said her name one day in class which tickled her pink. It is so great to see that they are so invested in his development too! He is amazing isn't he?!?!
Caleb is also now a big brother! Camryn Jayde Hlebiczki was born on August 24th at 8:54 a.m., 19.5 inches long, and 7 lbs. 5 oz. She came out screaming. She is beautiful and we are so happy she is here! She does have colic so it is making for some long nights, but we are all slowly adjusting. Caleb will make sure to let us know when she is crying. He has only touched her a few times, but is very curious about her as he watches her when we are holding her or when she is sleeping.

So this is a pretty short update, but I wanted to let you all know that we are okay and I will be updating more regularly now that we are trying to get into a routine.

God Bless you all!!

God Bless Caleb & Camryn!!


Unknown said...

caleb has come so far its jsut amazing four years ago we werent so sure now i know hell b just as great as ever talk on fb lol

imthenoni said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! on so many fronts. We are so excited for you all. Caleb for being such a brave and smart little guy for going to school and all his accomplishments and for your new little one who is just beautiful.

Chantel said...

Congrats to you 2 on the arrival of Camryn!!!! I haven't checked your blog in awhile and just read your comment under Mighty Max and saw another name with your family. Congratulations!!!! So excited for you all that Caleb is now in school. that is fantastic!!!!!